Monday, January 7, 2019


 There are so many things to do in life, so many beauties to hold and to create. To grasp and to give fourth. So much to love, to experience and understand. It’s hard to encompass all of this up on the short time that we are given upon this planet. With our hands growing week as the years progress, and her eyesight feeding, our senses are dulled. But not our passion, not our desire, not if we don’t allow it. We will live forever. With the words of our past  and the things that we have placed upon this earth. For the forever, as long as our name is on the lips of the living. Forever, a mortal. We die twice, one when you breathe your last breath, Second when the last person speaks your name.  We live, we love, we try, we die. We do the best we can in the means of what we are given. To offer what we feel is necessary to the ones we love and perfect strangers.  But who is it who puts these expectations upon us. Is it the world around us, our peers, our parents, our siblings, strangers or ourselves. To whom do we answer to in the end. To what is the success or failure of our life. I suppose with everyone it is different. With me it would be with lack of placing everything into this world that I possibly can. It’s a constant flow of movement. And saddens me each time I forget to communicate. I get lost in myself and in situations at hand. As many do.  But to be lost is not my purpose. It does not meet my expectations.

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