Monday, January 7, 2019

Bad choices

I would bleed for miles if I could just see your smiles crack through with the light of dawn. And I would long for your song to tickle my ear and remove my fear that I would be left alone. As your morning Moan caresses my soul, I learned to steer clear of the obstacles in our path. But it's perhaps because I'm not good at math but I still continue to trip over my own mistakes that begins to bend and break me. When you see, all I want is to be perfect and free, and have you seen me for the perfect being that is me. Learn not to take things so personally, for with your insecurities, you are destroying me. I try to stand up tall but then I fall as  I raise my head to the sky as tears filled my eyes and I can only cry as I struggle to see the sharp object that can release me. But no, I cannot do that, for I promised it would not be. So even though I know the pain would release me, as I see the blood flow at my feet, not as a cry for help but as a release, I digress, and it will be our progress that I learn to channel my pain in other ways. This has broken my heart and I fallen apart, and parts of this we have seen since the start, but yet we still wade through. Is it because it is new, or is this love true? And is it true that you love me as much as I love you? But it is my mistakes that break and feed your need for answers. Which plants the seed for I must be judged and not trusted because my past was robust and my ignorance leaks into present tense. You think I could make amends and with my intelligence move forward and out of the swamp of my past decisions. I have read my life script and I have made my own revisions, and it is my mission to show you the woman that I have buried under bad choices. For the sake of what is easy I have listen to the voices, and they have poisoned my right for a pure future. But if you give me another chance as the many you have given, I will prove to you that a life with me is worth living.

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