Sunday, December 15, 2013

Self absorbed communication

Today regular socially inappropriate focus of speaking or writing is often to discuss one's self. However, how can one surely discover the true nature of oneself if not it's pieces to be dissected and discussed? This is a external interaction that I often struggle with. I not only enjoy dissecting my own mentality with others, but also desire a full understanding of whom I speak with.
People tend to have a laxitydazadle way of communication about them. Most tends to simply dance on the surface, never diving too deep. The terminology of, I am an open book, seems to have faded into the past. Most individuals focus more energy on developing the avatar/mask that they parade around with rather than discovering their true nature. Always in fear that others will immolate them. However one could never avatar your true being.
Only with learning your true nature can you then truly further yourself to your ultimate self. To perhaps the avatar you are imitating. The act of being rather than imitation takes both the courage to understand oneself and the ability to communicate it.
I often communicate with other writers. And becoming aware of the social faux pas of being self absorbed in one's literature, I question whether or not I am of this way.
I agree, that most often I do speak only to hear myself talk. To dissect my mentality to become a better version of myself. This is why I more often than not tend to write rather then communicate with another. Not burden another with my mentality.
I suppose like anyone else, I wish not to have the judgment placed upon me. It is fear that controls most all of nature, and the lack of fear perhaps it only maintained within the mind of a true psychopath. I lack much fear that others embrace on a daily basis. However my empathy is far greater than many of my peers.
And how would I know these things if I did not communicate with others? And how would I know who I am if I did not get perspective from my peers? I may never know my problems on how to better myself if I do not have the courage to ask. However simply the courage to ask me not be enough without giving a well-rounded perspective of who I am to the individual that is giving me feedback.
So, speaking about myself I must do. I do not see it as a at a vanity, more as an act of self-awareness. I hope to discover all that surrounds me, encompasses me, and it is me. Without such knowledge how could I ever become the ultimate me to not only myself but my friends and peers?

1 comment:

  1. I guess I thought if I was God I would do things better. I thought, "Maybe He depends on me. Maybe I have to do this, this, and this. However, whenever i would act on my own thoughts as if I were destined to do my own will in the Earth, I was humbled in wonderment at every attempt. God is so good. I can do nothing on my on. Yes, as I approached Godhood, I became more and more aware, and had more work to do, but only to realize it was God giving it to me, and God opening up my heart for Him, and in the awakening, I realized I just have to be myself. God's got it all taken care of, "For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever, amen!" And even though I wandered, He loves me as iif there were no missing time. We're just picking up where we left off. If anything, it makes for an interesting side-story, but not conducive to the main plot, directly. It also allowed me to be myself, again, when I lost myself in my own head. How silly of me. (= God showed me, and though what was going on in my head was true, believe it or not, I'm really living for more. I didn't see it at the time, but now I know it's true.
