Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Getting rolling.

It often seems that the creative juices flow all at once. Often unless I push the damn through the images inside never manifest into words written. For so long the bundled up energy of inspiration within my core feels as it is going to burst. Only with creation in the tears that run down my cheeks in the bitter sweet inspiration am I able to release these desires in any form upon the world. I always feel a reluctance towards the release which I must fight through. But once pushed aside be creative juices flow more abundantly than ever before. There was a time when I was more prolific than any of my peers, however be it that my age of the mid 30s I feel that I could be much further. Much of a life has gotten in the way of my true living. I have many inspirations that have been set aside for Monday and duties. For this sad reality my heart pounds with anxiety. I know that there is much more. I am aware of my true potential. So to step forward towards my goals with not allowing mediocrity too damn my creative river, I must move forward. So move forward I do, constantly in a reminder of all possibilities yet rendered.

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