Monday, November 18, 2013

The awareness of solitude.

What is the level of appreciation given by one's chosen isolation.  Not only the appreciation of oneself but the true appreciation of all that surrounds us. Only when in solitude can one truly see the world for what it is. Not that solitude is the cure for the fog that society blinds us, However the liberation of its grasp is greatest when your acceptance of time much needed to reflect is given. As I find myself in isolation that I directed this moment of my life and I can truly hear the sounds around me smell the world that encompasses me and have the feelings that the noise of the world would overshadow. With this creates the ability to reflect. Perhaps something lost in our people of this age. With the all too common hustle bustle of our world most tend to lose ourselves without even realizing that we have been absorbed. Without the ability of reflection perhaps one cannot truly understand their personal evolution. With the reflection becomes the understanding of the world and our true place in it. Many great cultures and religions created a situation such as a walkabout to Gain a full understanding of oneself, your spirituality, perhaps the gifts that would be given to you on the astral plane that cannot be received any other way. Only when the world is silenced and our anxiety drops can we then truly hear the message that the world is giving us. Much of our humanity is overrun by zombie type mentality that encompasses the masses and helps most no one. The only sense of benefit of this mentality is that of the hierarchies of society that gain by having minions do their dirty work so they may live up to the expectations of their true nature. Much of this is proven in our universities. Those who may not be aware that their schooling is thus of the creation of a slave rather than a master. Many of universities never expand any knowledge of how to truly hold one's own. But rather devote one's life to the man. Life in Babylon has been both beautiful and crippling, depending on your awareness level of all that is offered. Although it truly does have its benefits, it's elements are numerous and often hidden beneath a beautiful exterior. Spirituality entered into religion is both the greatest gift and the greatest handicap of our evolution as a species. The origin of religion which was spirituality has grown into a corrupt system around the world of mass control and more often than not, genocide. Separations from these things that have created such hate for the immense ignorance of the masses among our societies and people around the world has been the most defining factor of our absolute solitude.

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