Friday, December 13, 2013


I love the mentality of the masses of society today. When confronted with a intellectual medium they will most always pass it over for a aspect of beauty or sexuality. More often than not visual. And when I say I love this, I am being facetious. LOL it is actually quite frustrating when you encompass both the mind of a philosopher and the body of a porn star and all anyone's comments on is your body. I came into the awareness of this as an adolescent, so I have learned to utilized my sexuality as a lore to pull people to inquire within. By within, I mean my mentality. You pervert. Lol

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry. We live in a culture dominated by shallow interaction and cheap thrills, but just as the lotus blooms from murky water, so, too, do you rise above the muck and continue to bloom.

    People who choose not to become anything but a product of their own environment are deserving of your pity, but not your time. Keep being awesome.
