Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Societies judging eyes

Unfortunately, judgment from one generation to the next is always been a continuous affliction of society in general. Generation gaps is caused much undesired misunderstandings and unneeded conflict. Fear of the unknown and mentality of ignorance is bliss has created a barrier between generations since the dawn of time. Societies have placed the walls of what is right around individuals too frightened to have their own opinions. Or more so to make their opinions public. So many stay in hiding, and perhaps scold those who have the ability to communicate and act with freedom. For the simple reason that they are unable to. Close mindedness create security within a group. Anything outside the realm of normal can be a threat and cause unwanted mentality of expression in the group. Each generation feels this with the generation that precedes them. In most every culture, since there has come about change. 

Sexuality has always been a social faux pas. And most every direction imaginable. From the orgies of Rome to the Spanish Inquisition. From the terminology of the word fag that the man is no better than the sticks he is burnt with, to the encouragement of homosexuality in armies only a Century ago for the simple reason that you would fight harder for a lover then you would've friends.

Society and it's judgments is much like a angry teenager who has no full understanding of the outside world but still puts their opinions upon it. 


  1. "From the terminology of the word fag that the man is no better than the sticks he is burnt with"

    Wow, that's powerful stuff!

    Not many people understand what it's like to be persecuted for something you cannot change, and as you said, ignorance is not always bliss. Our tendency is to fear what we do not understand, what is different to us.

    But I believe this is the natural order of things- to overcome the previous generation. Out with the old, in with the new. Old mentalities and prejudices die to make room for improvement and progress, and I think once we overcome the suffocating hold fundamental religions have over the masses, we'll be able to move into a more universal spirituality that isn't so blindly judgmental.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hmm...
