Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Lust - part one
Destination communication
We need to collect our weapons of mass communication,
and destroy their ignorance with our words of demolition.
Remove this fear that has created this isolation.
And stop societies constant interrogation.
We must be honest with ourselves too then bring the truth to manifestation.
To create a world of awareness as one great nation.
This should be humanities one true destination.
Obscure rambling of a mindless wonder 2001
To speak that which is a untruth, a lie, defies very gift of speech itself, and therefore those individuals whom few allies so freely from their mouth without considering of the consequences should be denied the very gift of speech!
Societies judging eyes
Unfortunately, judgment from one generation to the next is always been a continuous affliction of society in general. Generation gaps is caused much undesired misunderstandings and unneeded conflict. Fear of the unknown and mentality of ignorance is bliss has created a barrier between generations since the dawn of time. Societies have placed the walls of what is right around individuals too frightened to have their own opinions. Or more so to make their opinions public. So many stay in hiding, and perhaps scold those who have the ability to communicate and act with freedom. For the simple reason that they are unable to. Close mindedness create security within a group. Anything outside the realm of normal can be a threat and cause unwanted mentality of expression in the group. Each generation feels this with the generation that precedes them. In most every culture, since there has come about change.
Sexuality has always been a social faux pas. And most every direction imaginable. From the orgies of Rome to the Spanish Inquisition. From the terminology of the word fag that the man is no better than the sticks he is burnt with, to the encouragement of homosexuality in armies only a Century ago for the simple reason that you would fight harder for a lover then you would've friends.
Society and it's judgments is much like a angry teenager who has no full understanding of the outside world but still puts their opinions upon it.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Nature's empathy
Deep communication
Self absorbed communication
Friday, December 13, 2013
Hit the ground running from depression
How can ignorance be bliss if knowledge is power?
Further from father
I love the mentality of the masses of society today. When confronted with a intellectual medium they will most always pass it over for a aspect of beauty or sexuality. More often than not visual. And when I say I love this, I am being facetious. LOL it is actually quite frustrating when you encompass both the mind of a philosopher and the body of a porn star and all anyone's comments on is your body. I came into the awareness of this as an adolescent, so I have learned to utilized my sexuality as a lore to pull people to inquire within. By within, I mean my mentality. You pervert. Lol
The path to happiness
Love - my personal explanation
"Friend Zoned" love-lust-crushes-dating
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
A constant need for movement
Thursday, December 5, 2013
The road to happiness-extended
The road to happiness
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Attract/Repell with intensity
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Hurry, going nowhere.
I just found a book that I wrote in 1998 - Control your own fate
Moving forward
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
KickStarter :)
Getting rolling.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Great escape.
Makeshift reality.
Crippling demon.
However there was a being that had stolen this ability from me.
And for years I allowed this crippling mentality to infiltrate my ability to express.
This demon came to me which I shall not given name had placed me an arrest,
where I was in much distress, and fought so hard to be free.
I would grip my fist so tight that my palms would begin to bleed
as my nails dug deeper and deeper into them as to plant a seed.
My tears in my heart pounding as the thumb of this being suppressed
with this i regress as my love of life was my only company as I tried to conquer the strife.
Even years after the demon was destroyed and passed on to other worlds,
it's an infection still embraced my every action whiten this girl.
The fear of inability to communicate among other things had placed me in a jail of self-pity.
I had digressed to express any sign of individuality.
This demon was a human that subjugated my reality for only a short time.
And with this it had taken all that was mine.
It's seem to relish in my personality,
and this is what it tried to take from me.
For years I felt that it did succeed,
for to express myself I had no need.
As time is past is coming back fast to bite,
even though it's been years,
and so many tears.
To win this fight, to bring back the light,
to once again truly see to gain all the pieces with all my might,
that make me end my fears.
If you knew me before you may have wondered did i bend,
I had a broken heart that took time to mend.
And with this demon man as a monster,
I now realize this vasoon was meant to occur.
For what does not kill us, makes us stronger.
Do not fall in love with me without full comprehension.
the complexity of my personality far out reaches the understanding that you are able to encompass.
Dive into the abyss of my mindless ramblings to gather a image of what makes all this.
There are more pieces to this girl then bricks that built all the cultures around the world.
and is you sought after this information as these cultures many are thought
to be Myths and buried among ages of forget.
All you see is the skin of the mentality that I desire to release into eyes viewing of withen.
Thoughts profound encompass all that is aware then tread into the depths thay could me missed
of all that I have not discussed with my heart and my fist.
As space is endless my viewpoints place me is a state,
of all things surrounding, that once absorbed, can relate.
Two maintain a constant normality obstructs my ability to move on.
Then to truly perform in this society that has become our Babylon.
for I am encompass as much darkness as I delight in the light,
Unless you truly are capable of unconditional love, your mind I will bend,
you may sit on the sidelines and simply admire as you try to comprehend.
Perhaps my empathy has become a disease,
for It has created dis-ease in the sense that I understand whats in me,
perhaps more then a human should without crossing the lines of insanity.
I have tried into waters deeper than many ever we desire to travel and soar.
I've played with the darkness and desired to learn more.
I have come to the light and danced and it's Beams,
l have came to this earth and lived through extremes.
One with the oceans rivers and streams.
Although I will never be your enemy I will also never be your family.
I am the enigma that you can only see the corner of your eye.
And your comprehension I will defy however I will never lie.
You may feel that this is not said with much modesty,
all that I have to offer is absolute honesty.
Our mothers arms
rain or shine are terrible thunder.
There's nothing to fear when nature is near,
because her protection will always be here.
To live in the belly of a common fire
and to feel the calmness as you raise the flame higher.
To embrace all its pieces is my desire,
to allow this purity to encompass, to surround me to engulf me,
to travel into the wilderness with no compass,
knowing that wherever I pass not be a miss
because that is my path that was on my unwritten list.
Our journeys path although not always clear,
is always here despite our fears.
Although we may get off her path we will get back on,
every dawn to move toward the ultimate you.
To live in the world of karma traveling through mountains, valleys, and farms
and away from harm, not ever asking for more,
if your heart is pure you always fall into your mothers arms.
Hopeless thoughts of a mindless wonder.
There are so very many subjects in this world to ponder.
And I may forever wonder what is yonder,
as there may be a place
to discover things with less haste.
But the places here in the time is now
for me to learn truly how.
To get away from mind masturbation, and truly learn the word liberation
to escape from all the mutilation, of our societies education.
I've always had this need to believe my words onto this this book,
to give the world a final look at what it took
to give that final hook and sinker to a ultimate thinker.
In this world I truly see so much beauty,
all that surrounds me,
into encompasses has become a need.
The gift of knowledge that I have gained is my greatest feature
to step out into the world and become a teacher
to raise my arms up but not to force my thoughts on you as a preacher.
But simply the expression of knowledge is power,
and to do this most every waking hour,
is always been a natural flow of my life's road,
and communication is the only true code.
So if my words have focus or drift into the darkness
I hope you do not feel that your time reading is a mess,
for the thoughts roll off my tongue into your ear so please don't fear
that although some may be dark the light is always near.